Monday, March 26, 2007

Saturday, March 24, 2007

National creative writing competition...

These were my kids, they were selected for I was there to give them a bit of support!

Last three days in Ceuta...

Boat trip

This is my lovely class, I've had them since I started(Oct) so we grown quite close... when they come to London for their year abroad trip, the teacher will ring me and i'll be there...God willing
The boat trip was fantastic, and the weather was amazing, we were quite lucky, not a cloud in sight!
This is the teacher and I, she's quite funny....she just walks along and leaves the children behind, it was quite stressing for me coz i kept turning around and I panicked when I lost sight of them. She says they gotta learn to fend for themsleves...I think nowadays it's quite a good technique....IF THEY DON'T WALK FASTER THEY WON'T GET ON THE BOAT AND THEY CAN STAY HERE WAITING...LOL

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Spot the teacher...

Yes...I took the kids on my own! but that was NOT the dont even teach this group,
last minute the head of activities told me I'd be taking them on my own, wasn't that bad as you can see they look older than me! the eldest was 19 and she was pregnant and happy....everyone was happy! the whole class were all girls except for 1, footballer for the Ceuta team. he carried around a newpaper clip of him on the pitch ....the early years I say...
The girl behind me wants to study languages at uni so we spoke in english most of the time....and lol...on the way back we took the long way round(beachside)...trying to bunk eh!

History of Theatre

This morning I took the one of my classes on a trip to a museum talking about the history of Theatre. It was fun for them and they also spoke english while we walked there...and we had a laugh! I´ll put pics up as soon as I can. The place was great because the lady got the kids to participate so it was quite funny...on fri i´ll be going on another trip with another class. we´ll be on a small boat and go around the coast of ceuta talking about legends and stuff...should be graet for taking photos as well...cant wait! hehe

Monday, March 12, 2007

Escaped to the Peninsula...

Did I mention that I´d be going to Cordoba?...well anyways, I was invited to go there by a collegue of mine and her lovely family. It was really nice! a beautiful place to visit. The main attraction of course is the "Mezquita", now a cathedral, a mixture of all periods(roman, celtic, byzantine, islamic, etc etc) makes this place so fascinating. there are so many columns inside, supporting the massive structure that it is often called " el bosque de las columnas" (the forest of columns). I would definatley go there again to visitr.
Then, outside is very much Andalucian style, houses etc.... I took so many photos.
we shopped and I bought some typical jewellery there called firilijo or something like that, it was quite funny because we asked the man woman selling if it was pure silver....and she said´s a mixture of silver and something, bad silver....ENGLISH I laughed because of course she would never imagine that I was born in England!
We then went to a nice restaurant and ate yummy italian food and shared some massive desserts...and then we went home to drop our stuff and later on we went out to join a festival type parade... something to do with easter... well, it was interesting, but its not my type of thing...but hey....nice experience...
the ferry ride back was terrible, I felt sick because of the fact that I had eaten, a bag full of sweets, time of the month, garlic breath, had a cold, and my stomach swollen up again...blurrrr...
the trip was fantastic though....loved it!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

It´s thursday, and i´m already shattered! had a full on week. I have decided to give my kids an activity that consists of creating a series of questions which by answering with a yes can show if you are really from the area, in this case Ceuta. The title of this questionnaire is HOW CABALLA ARE YOU? and I will post it when it´s finished and then it will be put on the school naturally the kids are motivated... I have been doing this task with them since last week and it has gone well.
The kids are really wearing me out need to bring alot of energy to the class to be able to teach them.
This weekend I should be off to Morocco again to shop around and pamper going with my friends Kinsa and Guarda, should be fun...!
next weekend I should be going to Cordoba with one of my´s about time I visit the peninsula!
Well my private lessons are practically finished now...because I need to get on with my work...arghh

Monday, February 26, 2007

Piruleta, pirulina, piruletina? which is it?

Dalmation Invasion!!!!!!

This is the Constitution Square


That´s Manoli just tellin the boy his face will soon be broadcasted on the web and that the lolly pop is in fact, not for herself but for me!

It was carnaval on the weekend, so I went to have a look. It was really long so the people were saying....and they had really cool music as well.

I was quite annoyed that no one told me that they were gonna dress up because then I would have dressed up as jasmin from Aladdin. I thought the only people who dressed up were the ones part of the carnaval but it turns out that everyone did!
I did have some nice lollies though, they call them piruletas. There was this cute baby dressed up as a dalmation, you could see his tiny face poking´t take a pic for obvious reasons.

This is La Plaza de la Constitucion

Monday, February 19, 2007

The party

The party was so we went to the my hair done for like.....2 pounds!!!!!!! TOTAL BARGAIN! and then went to the house to get changed and put makeup on...loads of us cramped in the toilet tryna put the kohl was funny! Then we put the top part of out dresses and the belt which was actually a CORSET. It was terrible, I really couldn´t breathe and when I sat down, the girls noticed this lump below my belt....yes it was my stomach slowly swelling out the evening it just got bigger and bigger and bigger! I loosened the belt then that didnt make a difference coz i felt like a balloon...I would soon pop. eventually I changed clothes and sat outside for air...and the end of the evening I looked pregnant. Had a laugh with the girls though and took loads of piccies...we kept on dropping the pastries given to us...and one rolled on the floor all the way to the group sitting in front of was hilarious! they must have thought we were bonkers!
We waited for the bride for what seemed like eternity, and then she finally came ot looking stunning, there were two outfits...first maroon and second white. Food was great they call it marriage food, coz its so yummy its cooked on low heat for the whole day and with carbon...supposed to be the best way.

Engagement party

I went to Morocco for an engagement party, and as you may well know, they last for a week. So I went to the henna party, where all the woman and the bride get to put henna on their body. this was the first time I tried it so I asked for something small and of course...they gave me something big which, turned out to be really nice. On my shoulder and hand...
I´ll post a pic of the one on my hand soon...It was really cool...tomoro I will go to the engagment party, the last day....AND I´ll get to put the typical Morrocan dress....think it´s gonna be red...wohoooo!

Monday, February 12, 2007


Finally went to Morocco with friends....coz I felt like I would never get to go there! It was really nice to visit and the scenery was beautiful even though it rained a bit. I bought some nice stuff, cheap as well, to decorate my new room back home in london. bought a wooden box, cushion, bag, khol, incense, and a few other things.

Manoli and I
awww....cute camel..
Stopping by a market off the main road, selling ceramics and wicker furniture.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Ceuta Today!


The HAIR issue!

Im feeling quite happy, I have found a nice hair salon to go to...and the prices are my hair done....colour, cut and blowdry for 47 euros(31 pounds) so happy....hehe...coz I didnt want anyone to touch my hair here for fear that they would leave it looking worse than it already was.....(it was orange...nearly rusty orange). But I risked it coz I was one happy customer!

im back

Oh the moment I feel as if i´m about to explode...gases...hmmm.
well yeah, I came back on the 5 of Jan and it has taken me this long to put a post....sorry...
So, I have started with the kids again, some new some old. Got a nice poem to give the kids...ABOUT GIRLS are LIKE APPLES ON TREES....hehe!!!
Do I sound as terrible as I feel? sorry...i´m just not me these days ..give me a chance to pick myself up... ...ill blog soon

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Un adulterio decente....

went to a play on sat with Manoli, to see what was called ´A Decent Adultery´. the acting was terrible, the script was so boring and it was made me wanna fall asleep.....supposed to be a comedy....far from it...hmmm...
It was about a a couple who´d been married for dunno how many years and she had been accustomed to staying home everytime he departed for business. she met a man whom she grew close to but only because he spoke so much about her husband(the man admired the husband for his musical talent). she never told him that the man he admired was in fact her dear husband, so he fell in love with her thinking she felt the same for him......her feelings were not of love, but just a way to get close to her husband(speaking good things about him).
Anyway the husband came back one evening to find the man in his house....everything came out...and the husband named their situation a decent adultery! the husband was not against the man since he was seen as a great being and did not know that the woman was actually married.
well now that I gave you a summary it doesn´t seem too bad...the plot....
something to do I suppose...and these things are all free...its great!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

How scary does this look!!!

I can assure you that I didnt look too the photo it looks a bit like Judgement day(well what do I know.....) but´s just late afternoon, clouds!!

Dog Fashion Show

We are in November.....and LOOK!!!

La pelotita!!

"La peliotita" is the little ball in spanish and this "Pelotita" is not a ball, it´s actually a stocking!!
lol....she cries if she looses it....and the vet says...Gala is treating it as if it were a pup!! After finding this out, I felt bad for those countless times I threw the pelotita around the house for her to catch but ....what is she doing then? eating her pup???...hmm

La Cuarentuna

Getting ready for the show...

I went to a show on Saturday which was held at the school Siete Colinas. I loved were a large group of oldies singing traditional Spanish songs. Before they performed a song, they would tell us a joke(of which I understood 50% of). This part was the funniest because, one of them wore a white wig and obviously you could only see the back of him... hehehe...his movements were too funny!!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Siete Colinas

Thats the name of the school that I´m working at. The name Sebta/Ceuta actually means 7. Built on Seven Hills. The school is named Seven Hills, nice name I say.
I can see the sea and a bit of Morrocco from the school love it here
My private lessons are going great, so far I teach 9 private lessons a week, french and english. This way I earn a bit of extra dosh(sister is still adamant that its losh).
The first pic is the english hallway....I teach along the whole hallway....bit intimidating at first, but ya get used to it.
I was walking along and I saw a women dropping rubbish in the recycling bin(NORMAL)...followed by a spit on the floor(NOT NORMAL)......minutes later....I witnessed the same thing happen, a man this this sum kind of tradition?.....or do they really taste tiny particles of dirt entering their mouths?....strange....when I put the rubbih out...I close my more strange!

Friday, November 10, 2006

Lunch wiv the prawns, chicken, and teeny fish...

As I mentioned before, I live on pasta and cheese. But today I went to my local cafe/restaurant named "El Chippie" .....and NO! their speciality is not chips...and dont ask me why they call it the way they do!
I had lunch with the principal of the school Pilar and her husband. It was yum...tapas again...prawns this time....loved it...and chicken and the rest....ill be going there more often..thats for sure....a change from PASTA.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Homenaje a Rocio Jurado...